I hope that you are all in good health and high spirits! I fled Baltimore this week to spend time with my awesome family and fiance, Travis, in Atlanta. Travis and I are both devoted foodies.. well, foodies in the sense that I cook and he eats. Our favorite moments spent together are buying ingredients for recipes and eating the final product while we watch some ridiculous tv show. As this week was Thanksgiving, we decided to whip up one of our favorite appetizers for the family to eat while waiting for the other food to finish cooking. This is a recipe that I tried a few years ago (original recipe), but we have since added ingredients to create a richer flavor for the holidays.
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup dried Romano Parmesan cheese
16 ozs cream cheese (cubed)
2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cup of chopped green onion
cracked black pepper to taste
1 large loaf of sourdough bread (cubed)
1 circular loaf of bread to act as a serving dish (optional)
Cut out a large circle in the center of your circular sourdough loaf. Remove additional bread from it as necessary in order to create a bread bowl. Set aside.
Under medium heat, stir the milk and grated Parmesan and Romano until melted in the pot. Gradually add the cubed cream cheese, garlic, green onions, and bacon bits. Stir until smooth. Allow the ingredients to cook together for about 7-10 minutes on simmer, stirring occasionally. Chill the mixture in the fridge for at least 1-2 hours or until cool. Pour the mixture into the hollowed out bread bowl. Garnish the sides of the bowl with the green peppers and tomatoes. Dice your other loaf of sourdough bread and serve. Don't be afraid to eat veggies or other varieties of bread with this dip!
We didn't use the bread bowl this time around. I'll update the picture at a later date with a fancy bread bowl :)
Enjoy the wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and I'll see you next week!